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Ministry To The Needy- We are the voice of the needy that constantly rings throughout heaven. The voice that cries out in intercession for the weak and feeble amongst us. We are committed to reaching out, teaching, caring and restoring hope to the hopeless. We have been doing this since 2014, and we shall continue to take action, because we are of Christ. Our programs include:

Widows Temporary Housing- We assist the Widows in our community who are at the verge of becoming homeless or already homelessly with free housing for a period of 6months, so they can get back on their feet.

Widows' Empowerment Program-Our WEP initiative helps us empower widows who are already skilled in a particular field but have no income to for establishment, the program also creates an avenue for us to train ready widows in skills that could earn them a living.

Mothers And Babies-Our mothers and babies (MAB) program help us serve needy pregnant women amongst us; we support them with food of nutritional value throughout pregnancy period. Our medical team gives lecture on how to stay healthy during their period of pregnancy. We also provide support to them after childbirth for a period of one year, assisting with baby food, supplies amongst others.

Please use this secure link to GIVE to our programs.

And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13 vs 16